
Manager Rights, Insights and Advice

The Manager Rights, Insights and Advice is a newly created role on our leadership team that will work closely with the Executive Director and Chief Children’s Commissioner, providing strategic advice and oversight to ensure effective advocacy for the mokopuna of Aotearoa New Zealand, grounded in a children’s rights approach.

Mō mātou | About us

Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission is the independent advocate for all 1.2 million mokopuna aged under 18 in Aotearoa, and care and custody-experienced mokopuna aged under 25.

Led by the Chief Children’s Commissioner, we advocate for children's rights to be recognised and upheld, provide advice and guidance to government and other agencies, advocate for system-level change, ensure children's voices are heard in decisions that affect them and monitor places where mokopuna are deprived of their liberty.

Our name, Mana Mokopuna, describes who we are and what we stand for. Understanding mana is central to us at the Commission. The word ‘mokopuna’ comes from two parts – moko (tattoo or blueprint) and puna (spring of water). This recognises that children are the blueprint of their ancestors.

We recognise the many elements that support mokopuna to thrive and acknowledge that they are unique individuals, existing within the context of their family, whānau, hapū, iwi, and wider community. We recognise that mokopuna participation in decisions that affect them is their right and is vitally important, and we hold the highest aspirations for all mokopuna, celebrating mokopuna diversity in all its forms.

Mō te tūranga | About the role

The Manager Rights, Insights and Advice is a newly created role on our leadership team that will work closely with the Executive Director and Chief Children’s Commissioner, providing strategic advice and oversight to ensure effective advocacy for the mokopuna of Aotearoa New Zealand, grounded in a children’s rights approach.

Leading a team of 11 kaimahi, the Manager will be responsible for developing and driving a high-impact work programme and overseeing functions that promote and advance the rights, interests, and wellbeing of mokopuna in alignment with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The role is responsible for leading strategic planning that advances systemic change across policies, practices, and decision-making, to uphold the rights and wellbeing of mokopuna and particularly mokopuna Māori and their whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.

The role is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington

He kōrero mōu | About you

To be successful in this role, you will be an experienced leader who is dedicated to upholding children’s rights and contributing to an Aotearoa where all mokopuna can live their best lives.

With expertise in strategic advocacy and work programme planning, you will be strong in your ability to build and develop an inclusive, high performing team. You will have a proven track record of delivering high quality work through others. You will be skilled at seeing the big picture in a fast-paced environment, while paying attention to the details that matter. You understand the importance of having a strong, data and insights-driven evidence base to underpin effective independent advocacy.

Key skills and experience:

  • A strong people leader, ideally with experience managing a policy or advocacy focused team and ensuring the delivery of high quality work through others
  • Deep commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and demonstrated experience in the application of Te Tiriti based practice
  • Expertise in strategic work programme planning and advocacy
  • Proficiency in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori, or a commitment to broadening knowledge in these areas
  • Understanding of relevant legislation, policy, systems, and practice affecting mokopuna
  • Sound judgement and ability to respond calmly under pressure.

Me pehea te tono | To apply

If you are passionate about advocating for the rights and wellbeing of mokopuna and possess the skills and experience required for this role, please submit your cover letter and resume via Niche Recruitment by the closing date of 5pm, Wednesday 26 March.

For more information or a confidential discussion contact:

  • Jane Temel, Director, Niche Recruitment on 021 499 902 or email
  • Rebecca Berney, Principal Consultant, Niche Recruitment on 021 500 763 or email