Te Mana Mokopuna
What is Mana Mokopuna in the context of monitoring?
We visit places where mokopuna are detained to ensure they are being treated with dignity and respect. We do this under the Crimes of Torture Act (1989). Under that law, the Office is a National Preventative Mechanism. That means we examine the conditions and treatment of mokopuna, identify and improvements or problems that must be addressed, and make recommendations to strengthen protections, improve treatment and conditions, and prevent ill treatment.
Mana Mokopuna is the mokopuna and whānau centred framework we developed to inspect places of detention. Once introduced it represented a shift from the previous focus on organisational performance in favour of one that looked at the impact on mokopuna, specifically whether inequalities and outcomes had improved and are continuously improving for them.
The Mana Mokopuna approach is based on an explicit expectation that those working with mokopuna Māori in the care and protection, youth justice and mental health systems, will enable and support positive connections with their whakapapa.
The equivalent experiences are also expected for non-Māori children, in relation to their genealogy and cultural identity, in the context of their immediate and wider family.
Ka pēhea te aro turuki ki ngā wāhi tautāwhi?
How do we monitor places of detention?
Based on guidelines for National Preventative Mechanisms by the United Nations, we assess the treatment of children and young people in detention under seven areas (domains):
This focuses on any allegations of torture or ill treatment, use of seclusion, use of restraint and use of force. We also examine models of therapeutic care provided to mokopuna to understand their experience.
This examines how well-informed mokopuna are upon entering a facility. We also assess measures that protect and uphold the rights and dignity of mokopuna, including complaints procedures and recording systems.
This assesses the quality and quantity of food, access to outside spaces, hygiene facilities, clothing, bedding, lighting and ventilation. It focuses on understanding how the living conditions in secure facilities contribute to the wellbeing and dignity of mokopuna.
This focuses on the opportunities available to mokopuna to engage in quality, youth friendly activities inside and outside secure facilities, including education and vocational activities. It is concerned with how the personal development of mokopuna is supported, including contact with friends and whānau.
This focuses on how the physical and mental health of mokopuna are met, in order to uphold their decency, privacy and dignity.
This focuses on the relationships between staff and mokopuna, and the recruitment, training, support and supervision offered to the staff team. In order for facilities to provide therapeutic care and a safe environment for mokopuna, staff must be highly skilled, trained and supported.
This focuses on identity and belonging, which are fundamental for all mokopuna. We assess commitment to mātauranga Māori and the extent to which Māori values are upheld, cultural capacity is expanded and mokopuna are supported to explore their whakapapa.
Te ara mā ngā mokopuna Māori
Our approach for mokopuna Māori
For mokopuna Māori, being supported to have a positive connection to identity is critical to wellbeing. We assess how facility staff respond, to meet the needs of Māori, throughout our assessment of all domains. Our seventh domain focuses specifically on how secure environments are improving outcomes for mokopuna Māori. To do this we assess four sub domains: Vision and goals for mokopuna Māori, Building cultural capability, Values upholding Māori culture and Partnerships with Māori.