31 January 2025 Media Releases
Collaboration at Waitangi will create space for mokopuna and whānau to share what matters most to them
A new collaboration between Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services (NISS), Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People’s Commission and community design studio ĀKAU Foundation will create a special space to amplify Tai Tokerau taitamariki voices at Waitangi this year: Te Whare Tātaki Taitamariki Waitangi Marae.
This shared taitamariki tent will include space for panel discussions led by taitamariki, a ‘chill zone’ and participation and engagement activities. Visiting mokopuna and their whānau will have the opportunity to kōrero with Ngāpuhi Social Services Chief Executive Dr Moana Eruera and Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad.
The Ngāpuhi podcast caravan will also be on site, interviewing taitamariki as part of a podcast series amplifying their perspectives and aspirations.
Dr Moana Eruera, Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services CEO, says that attending Waitangi Day celebrations offers the opportunity for taitamariki to experience and learn more about our founding documents of He Whakapūtanga and Te Tiriti ō Waitangi.
“Ngāpuhi, as kaitiaki of these Kawenata, want our taitamariki to have the opportunity to be more closely connected to their place within that history and whakapapa,” she says.
“Gathering taitamariki voices in our ‘Haukainga’ Podcast Caravan will enable them to share their ideas, vision and dreams for the future of our iwi to ensure that taitamariki are safe, healthy, secure and connected to their whakapapa. TOITŪ TE TIRITI.”
ĀKAU Foundation Kaiawhina Temepara Hita says the purpose of the collaboration is to create a space that empowers and projects mana rangatahi.
“Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow and we want them to feel empowered and excited to let us know what matters to them and what they want for our future,” says Temepara.
“ĀKAU have worked hard to make sure, through multiple toi installations, panels and activities, that we bring out and reflect the mana of our mokopuna in Ngāpuhi.”
Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad is looking forward to participating in Waitangi week at the Treaty Grounds again this year, together with kaimahi from Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission.
“Waitangi Day is such an important day for us all in Aotearoa New Zealand, and I hear from mokopuna throughout our country how important Te Tiriti o Waitangi is from their perspective. It’s an honour this year to be working together alongside the teams from NISS and ĀKAU Foundation to create an inviting space for all pēpe, children, young people and whānau to be, and for the voices of taitamariki to be heard.
“I’m looking forward to meeting taitamariki of Te Tai Tokerau and learning more about what matters most to them. I will be listening carefully and their voices, together with the voices of mokopuna from around our country, will continue to inform our independent advocacy for and with mokopuna,” she says.
- Whakanui te Reo o ngā Taitamariki – Amplifying the Voices of Our Youth
- Te Whare Tātaki Taitamariki Waitangi Marae
- Waitangi Festival Week 2025, Wednesday 5 February and Thursday 6 February
- The tent will be situated by the entrance to the Te Tou Rangatira field, close to the Maranga Mai Forum Tent and the Marae Wharekai, Kiokioiti. Small triangular signage will lead the way to the site.
Editor’s notes
Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services (NISS) is one of the first established Iwi Social Service providers in Aotearoa. It has a qualified and registered workforce and over 30 years of experience in working alongside mokopuna and whānau within the Ngāpuhi rōhe. NISS has an intergenerational focus and strategy for tamariki and whānau to be safe, secure, healthy and connected to whakapapa. NISS delivers a wide range of services including youth programmes, whānau support, care and whānau ora services and is committed to strengthening Ngāpuhi whanau, hapu and communities. Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services is a subsidiary of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi.
Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission is an Independent Crown Entity, and is the independent advocate for all children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Chief Children’s Commissioner is the full-time, visible advocate for all children and young people, and is the Chair of Mana Mokopuna.
ĀKAU Foundation’s mission is to Build Creative Leaders Who Design Brighter Futures, by empowering taitamariki in Te Taitokerau to feel more connected and creative so they can navigate the future with confidence. ĀKAU helps taitamariki recognise and harness the creativity of their tupuna by involving them in tangible projects that have real impact for taitamariki, their whānau and their community.
Media contact for Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services:
Dr Moana Eruera
Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services
021 197 9967
Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad is available for interviews. For media enquiries, please contact:
Melissa Wastney (she/her)
Senior Advisor Communications
Mana Mokopuna | Children and Young People's Commission
029 909 2715
Media contact for ĀKAU Foundation:
Joe Henare
Pou Kaiwhiritangata
ĀKAU Foundation
021 0260 5999