26 February 2025  Media Releases

More children being abused in care shows State agencies must work together now

Urgent action is needed from all children’s agencies to ensure all children in care are safe, says Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad.

A new report highlights a number of long-standing issues, and finds that despite fewer children and young people in State care, more are experiencing abuse, including physical and emotional harm and neglect.

Experiences of Care in Aotearoa, a report from Aroturuki Tamariki - Independent Children’s Monitor, annually assesses how agencies including Oranga Tamariki comply with the National Care Standards Regulations (NCS).

In the past year, 507 children were found to have been abused or neglected while in the custody of the State. Disproportionate levels of harm were found in secure residences, such as youth justice settings, and when children return home.

“It’s only been three months since the Government’s national apology to survivors of historic abuse in care. The Prime Minister said the abuse that was experienced as horrific, heartbreaking, wrong and that it should never have happened. He also said that we must do all we can to prevent abuse happening in the future.

“These new findings show that abuse of children in the care of the State is still happening right now. They require our urgent attention.

“All children and young people, including those in the care of the State, have the right to live free from all forms of violence. The State is continuing to collectively fail in upholding that right for all children and young people in care. I want to see every agency that is part of the children’s system working together to prioritise the safety of children and young people in care, and take action on what young care-experienced advocates are saying,” says Dr Achmad.

Numerous government agencies hold responsibilities for meeting the needs of mokopuna in care. The report found that they are still not collaborating effectively. It also found that funding did not follow the child, leading to gaps in their education and healthcare, for example.

“The Government must urgently implement the recommendation of Dame Karen Poutasi to specifically define in legislation the government agencies that make up the children’s system, and all these agencies must be resourced to give effect to these responsibilities.

“Children and young people in care must be seen in the collective care of the State. It’s not only Oranga Tamariki that has responsibilities here. All children’s system agencies must see themselves as responsible for the care of children and young people in the system, and work together accordingly. This is key to ending abuse in State care.”


Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad is available for interviews.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Melissa Wastney
029 909 2715

Editor’s notes

Find the Aroturuki Tamariki Experiences of Care in Aotearoa July 2023 - June 2024 report here.

Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission is an Independent Crown Entity, and is the independent advocate for all children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Chief Children’s Commissioner is the full-time, visible advocate for all children and young people, and is the Chair of Mana Mokopuna’s Board.

Mana Mokopuna’s role in the oversight of oranga tamariki system is to advocate for the interests, rights and wellbeing of all children, and, where needed, help mokopuna and their whānau navigate the system to resolve problems. As an oversight of oranga tamariki system entity, Mana Mokopuna works closely with the two other oversight organisations, Aroturuki Tamariki – Independent Children’s Monitor, and the Office of the Ombudsman.