23 November 2020 Reports
At a Glance - Te Kuku O Te Manawa Report 2
Our first report, Te Kuku O Te Manawa: Ka puta te riri, ka momori te ngākau, ka heke ngā roimata mo tōku pēpi, released in June 2020, presented the insights gained from interviews with mums and whānau who had experience with pēpi (aged 0-3 months) who had either been removed, or were at risk of being removed, from their whānau by Oranga Tamariki or its predecessor Child, Youth and Family.
Our second report Te Kuku O Te Manawa – Moe ararā! Haumanutia ngā moemoeā a ngā tūpuna mō te oranga o ngā tamariki concludes this review.
At a Glance and He Tirohanga are short summary versions of our report published in both English and te reo.
Read them below.