19 April 2024 Submissions
Submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill
“Stopping climate change and ensuring that it doesn’t get any worse, ensuring that the future generations grow up in a world which is safe for people to live in and preserving what we have.” (18-24 year old, What Matters Most? Mana Mokopuna survey 2023)
Mokopuna have told us that environmental protection and preventing further climate change are important issues for them. The Fast-track Approvals Bill is designed to bypass several current Acts that protect the environment, and in our submission we urge the Environment Committee to safeguard the interests, safety and rights of mokopuna now and into the future.
Our submission asks the Environment Committee to listen to mokopuna and act to protect our natural resources, environment and human health. Because the Fast-track Approvals Bill does not consider impacts on the rights of mokopuna and future generations, we have strongly opposed the Bill.
“What matters most is ensuring a better future for the generations to come. What that means for me is changing the ways in which we validate young people’s voices, there needs to be a transformational shift in young people’s representation in politics and the openness and active listening to youth voice from politicians.” (Mokopuna, 5-11 years old, What Matters Most? Mana Mokopuna survey 2023)