
All rights under the Children’s Convention

Children live, learn and grow, not in isolation but as part of families, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities. Mokopuna have the same basic human rights as adults, but they also have additional rights in recognition of their special need for protection.

When New Zealand ratified the Children’s Convention, it put into law some rights that mokopuna have to live a safe, healthy and happy life. The Convention is made up of 54 rights and three extra commitments, known as Optional Protocols, which give you rights across everything that affects you in life – your health, your school, your language, culture, identity, privacy and ability to share what you think.

The Government has promised to respect and fulfil these rights – and to make sure that those rights are protected. They also agreed to tell Aotearoa and the United Nations every five years what they are doing to make sure children are safe, healthy and thriving.

The Children’s Convention applies to everyone under 18. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, what your sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture or religion is, if you are rich or poor, speak a different language or have a disability.

Below are a summary of every right you have under the Children’s Convention.

You can also read the full version of the Children’s Convention here.

All Rights under the Children’s Convention